– Locating the blockage is very important to help get your boiler back in working order. Blockages usually occur at the end of the pipe, in a bend, or where there is a dip in the pipe where condensate can collect.
Thaw the frozen pipe
– Once the blockage is located, thawing it is the next step. Thawing the pipe can be done in many ways, by putting a hot water bottle on it, using a microwaveable heating pack, a cloth soaked in warm water or by pouring warm water on the pipe. Caution: Do not use boiling water or try to thaw a condensate drain pipe that can’t be reached from the ground level, because water can easily freeze when exposed to the cold atmosphere and cause a slip hazard.
Re-setting the boiler
– Once the blockage is cleared consult the user manual and re-set the boiler. If you are unsure about how to go about this, contact a boiler engineer.
Temporary remedial action
- Once the pipe is thawed, if it is not insulated adequately, you should try to insulate the pipe with suitable water-proof and weather-proof lagging
- Run the heating system with the boiler thermostat set to the maximum and turn it back to the normal setting once the cold spell is over
- You can also set the room thermostat controls to 24-hour mode, until the cold spell passes
Longer term actions
– As per British Standards, building regulations and manufacture installations, running the condensate pipes internally or externally is ideal. You can also ask your boiler manufacturer for assistance and guidance on solving these issues.
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